Domain Name Archives - Newskart Stories on Business, Technology, Startups, Funding, Career & Jobs Wed, 07 Feb 2024 11:06:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Domain Name Archives - Newskart 32 32 157239825 Why You Should Choose Premium WordPress Hosting For Blogs? Sun, 01 Oct 2023 18:52:50 +0000 Why You Should Choose Premium WordPress Hosting For Blogs
Why You Should Choose Premium WordPress Hosting For Blogs

Webmasters around the globe prefer Premium WordPress Hosting due to feature rich website with good appearance and various security and performance options available for them. Even some of the Webmasters go with Free WordPress Hosting services due to cost savings and working on temporary sites for time bound personal projects.

In the vast landscape of website hosting services, one particular choice has captured the attention of webmasters worldwide that is WordPress hosting. WordPress is a free web based content management system (CMS Platform), originally a blogging platform, has evolved into a versatile content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of the internet. While traditional hosting can support WordPress websites, specialized WordPress hosting offers a tailored experience designed to maximize the platform’s potential. In this article, I’ll explore the reasons why webmasters opt for Premium WordPress web hosting with clean looking domain name to materialize their small business ideas or creative small business ideas and how it benefits their online presence.

1. Optimized Performance In Premium WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting providers are well-versed in the intricacies of the platform. They fine-tune their servers and configurations to ensure optimal performance for WordPress websites. This includes server-side caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), and other optimizations that reduce loading times and enhance user experience.

2. Enhanced Security

Security is a paramount concern for webmasters, and WordPress hosting services provides robust security measures such as firewalls, malware scanning, and automatic software updates. These features help protect websites from vulnerabilities and hacking attempts. You can add security plugins in your site for the added layer of security.

3. Expert WordPress Support

WordPress hosting providers employ teams of experts who specialize in the WordPress platform. This means that webmasters have access to dedicated support staff who understand the intricacies of WordPress and can provide tailored assistance when needed. Whether it’s troubleshooting an issue or seeking guidance on optimization, having access to knowledgeable support can be invaluable.

4. Automatic Updates

You can find WordPress updates in your dashboard regarding releases of core CMS, basic themes, and plugins. Staying up-to-date is crucial for security and functionality. Many WordPress hosting providers automatically handle these updates, ensuring that your website is running on the latest, most secure versions.

5. Scalability

As website grows, its hosting needs can change. WordPress hosting plans often offer scalability options that allow webmasters to easily upgrade their resources as their website traffic increases. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for businesses and blogs experiencing growth.

6. Managed Backups In Premium WordPress Hosting

Data loss is a nightmare scenario for webmasters. WordPress hosting services often give features of backup of your site. If you opt such options in your plan then the web hosting services provider regularly save website data. In the event of an issue, webmasters can restore their sites to a previous state with ease. You can also use free FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tools such as FileZilla to take backup of your site at a regular interval.

7. WordPress-Specific Tools

WordPress hosting plans come equipped with tools and features designed specifically for WordPress users. These can include one-click installations, staging environments for testing changes, and access to a library of WordPress themes and plugins.

8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits

WordPress is inherently SEO-friendly, and many hosting providers enhance this advantage with additional SEO tools. These tools help webmasters optimize their content, improve site structure, and boost search engine rankings. WordPress automatically generates sitemap which contain almost everything about the site but if you want to add sitemap through plugin then you can search in WordPress dashboard’s plugins section and add & activate the SEO cum Sitemap plugin.

9. Reliability and Uptime In Premium WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting providers often boast high uptime percentages, ensuring that your site remains accessible to visitors around the clock.

10. Focus on Quality Content Creation

With the technical aspects of hosting and maintenance taken care of by the web hosting provider, webmasters can focus more on what matters most, creating quality content and engaging with their audience. This can be especially beneficial for bloggers, content creators, and small business owners.

11. Managed Services

WordPress hosting often includes managed services, where the hosting provider takes care of various technical aspects, including server maintenance, security, and updates. This relieves webmasters of the burden of managing these tasks themselves, allowing them to focus solely on creating and curating content.

12. Specialized Hosting Environments

Some WordPress hosting providers offer specialized hosting environments optimized for particular types of websites. For instance, there are WordPress hosts specifically tailored for e-commerce sites, blogs, or membership-based websites. This specialization ensures that your hosting environment aligns perfectly with your website’s needs.

13. Improved Loading Speeds In Premium WordPress Hosting

Page load speed is not only crucial for user experience but also a ranking factor for search engines. WordPress hosting services employ various techniques, such as server-side caching and solid-state drives (SSDs), to deliver lightning-fast loading speeds, reducing bounce rates and improving SEO.

14. Staging Environments

Testing changes and updates on a live website can be risky. Some WordPress hosting includes staging environments, allowing webmasters to clone their websites and test new features, designs, or plugins in a safe, isolated space before deploying them on the live site. This minimizes the chances of disruptions or errors.

15. Global Content Delivery In Premium WordPress Hosting

For websites with a global audience, content delivery speed is critical. Many WordPress hosting providers offer Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) as part of their packages. CDNs distribute website content across multiple servers worldwide, ensuring that users experience fast loading times regardless of their location.

16. Resource Allocation

WordPress hosting plans come with predefined resource allocations, ensuring that your website has dedicated server resources. This prevents resource contention with other websites on the same server, leading to more consistent performance. But you can not expect much in Shared Hosting environment.

17. Security at Every Level

Security is a multi-layered approach in WordPress hosting. In addition to server-level security, WordPress hosting providers implement measures like secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates, brute-force attack protection, and real-time monitoring to safeguard your site from threats. You can add some security plugins in your WordPress dashboard for added layer of security.

18. Automatic Scaling In Premium WordPress Hosting

Websites can experience sudden spikes in traffic, especially during promotions or viral content sharing. WordPress hosting can automatically scale resources to accommodate these surges, preventing performance issues and downtime.

19. Affordable Options

While premium WordPress hosting services offer an array of features, there are also budget-friendly options available. These cater to individuals and small businesses with cost-effective plans, ensuring that WordPress hosting is accessible to a wide range of users.

In summary, WordPress hosting stands out as an excellent choice for webmasters seeking a hassle-free, high-performance hosting solution that allows them to concentrate on content creation and website growth and earn money online with complete user satisfaction. With an array of features such as performance enhancement, top-notch security measures, expert support, plugins and specific tools, and many other specialized services, WordPress hosting ensures that your website is well-equipped to succeed in the online landscape. WordPress hosting has much to offer for bloggers, eCommerce entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

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Why Webmasters Choose Free WordPress Hosting For Blogs? Sun, 01 Oct 2023 15:31:00 +0000 Why Webmasters Choose Free WordPress Hosting For Blogs

Webmasters around the world use Free WordPress hosting due to various reasons such as cost saving, learning & experiment on their temporary websites. While many webmasters opt for premium WordPress hosting services, there are scenarios where Free WordPress hosting might be the preferred choice.

Since WordPress is a web based content management system and is free to download from WordPress[dot]org under the GNU General Public License (GPL) which means not only you can download it freely but you also can edit and customize it for your use. If you want to create a Self Hosted WordPress Site from WordPress[dot]org (Once you downloaded the WordPress freely from here) then you need to pay some bucks for the web hosting and domain name purchase. You can also purchase premium themes and plugins if you want to give your site more advance look and features.

If you still suspicious to pay for the web hosting and domain names then you can create a free WordPress site from WordPress[dot]com.

Let’s explore why some webmasters choose this option-

1. Cost Savings Due To Free WordPress Hosting

One of the most apparent reasons is cost savings. Free WordPress hosting doesn’t require a monetary investment, making it an attractive option for individuals or organizations with tight budgets. This can be especially appealing to hobby bloggers, students, or small nonprofits.

2. Learning and Experimentation

For those who are new to website development and WordPress, free hosting provides a risk-free environment for learning and experimentation into their respective small niches. It allows users to practice without the pressure of financial commitments. This can be valuable for gaining hands-on experience.

3. Personal Projects

Individuals working on personal projects, such as family blogs, personal portfolios, or resume websites, might find that free WordPress hosting adequately meets their needs. It provides a platform to showcase their work or share personal experiences without incurring hosting expenses.

4. Temporary Websites

In some cases, webmasters require a website for a short duration. This could be for events, conferences, or temporary promotions. Free hosting can serve as a convenient solution for creating these short-lived websites without the need for a long-term hosting plan.

5. Limited Resource Requirements

Certain websites have minimal resource demands. If a website receives low traffic, contains only a few pages, or relies primarily on text content, free hosting can provide sufficient resources to keep it online without performance issues.

6. Testing and Prototyping

Webmasters who want to test website ideas or create prototypes often use free hosting as a starting point. Once the concept is validated and ready for a broader audience, they can consider migrating to a paid hosting service for enhanced features and performance.

7. Portfolio Building On Free WordPress Hosting

Aspiring web designers or developers may use free hosting to build a portfolio of their work. This portfolio can showcase their skills to potential clients or employers, acting as a stepping stone to more extensive projects.

8. Ad-supported Hosting

Some free WordPress hosting providers offer their services in exchange for displaying ads on hosted websites. While this can be a trade-off, it allows webmasters to access hosting without direct costs. However, the presence of ads may impact the website’s aesthetics and user experience.

9. Local Development On Free WordPress Hosting

Free hosting can also serve as a staging environment for local development projects. Webmasters can build and test their websites on free hosting platforms before deploying them to a paid hosting service or live server.

10. Geographic Restrictions

In some regions, premium hosting services may not be easily accessible due to payment or currency restrictions. Free hosting can be a viable alternative for webmasters in such areas.

While free WordPress hosting has its advantages, it’s essential to note its limitations. Free hosting services often come with restrictions on storage, bandwidth, customization, and may lack the support and security features of premium plans. Additionally, websites hosted for free may have subdomains or display ads, which can affect branding and user experience.

Ultimately, the choice between free and paid WordPress hosting depends on individual needs, goals, and budget constraints. Webmasters should carefully evaluate their requirements and the features offered by hosting providers to determine the best solution for their specific projects.

Image credit- Canva
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Buying Domain Name-Expert Tips And Precautions For Choosing Domain Registrar Fri, 29 Sep 2023 19:15:57 +0000 Buying Domain Name-Expert Tips And Precautions For Choosing Domain Registrar
Buying Domain Name-Expert Tips And Precautions For Choosing Domain Registrar

If you have made plan to earn money online after reviewing creative small business ideas and buying domain name then follow the article for the expert tips while choosing the domain name and precautions you need to take when purchasing domain name online from the domain registrar. In today’s digital age, owning a domain name is same as securing your own piece of virtual real estate. Whether you’re planning to start a blog, launch an e-commerce site, or create an online portfolio, your domain name is your online identity. Though there are millions of domain names already registered, finding the perfect domain name for your niche blog, any other website, and for business can be challenging. You need to apply proper strategy to buy domains for small and medium businesses.

Furthermore, choosing the right domain registrar is crucial to ensure a smooth and secure registration process and the domain registrar should be financially secure to run its business for the long term. If there is any apprehension then choose the popular domain registrar rather choosing who offer cheap prices and bogus services.

In this guide, I’ll explore expert tips and precautions for buying a domain name and selecting a domain registrar.

Understanding Domain Names

Before diving into the tips and precautions, let’s start by understanding what a domain name is. In essence, a domain name is your website’s address on the internet which users type into their web browsers to access your site. For instance, “www[dot]newskart[dot]com” is a domain name. It’s essential to choose a domain name that’s not only relevant to your content but also easy to remember and type.

Tips for Buying Domain Name

Here are some tips you should consider before buying relevant domain name online.

1. You should Brainstorm Ideas for domain name

Begin by brainstorming ideas for your domain name. Consider keywords related to your niche or the name of your business. Write down as many options as possible. Single word domain name is impossible to find, you can search two to three words long domain name.

2. Choose the Relevant Keywords in domain name

Ensure that your domain name reflects the content or purpose of your website. If you’re running a taxation business, then domain name like “” is more relevant than something vague. Although it is not necessary that you will find the domain name on the first try yet you need to search as much as possible.

3. Domain name should be Memorable and show the Brand

A good domain name is both memorable and brandable. It should stick in people’s minds and evoke a positive image of your site or business. If you’ll try to search persistently then you would be able to find your desired domain name.

Tips for Choosing a Domain Registrar

Now that you have an idea of your desired domain name, it’s time to choose a domain registrar. A domain registrar is a company that allows you to purchase and manage domain names. Here are some expert tips for selecting the right one.

1. Pricing Transparency

Look for registrars that offer transparent pricing. Be wary of hidden fees that can catch you by surprise during the checkout process.

2. Reputation and Reviews

You should look for the customer reviews about the domain registrar, check its reputation and then go for the domain registration. Popular registrars will have positive feedback from their users.

3. Customer Support

Ensure the registrar offers reliable customer support. You may need assistance during the registration process or if any issues arise later.

4. Additional Services

Some registrars offer extra services like website hosting, email hosting, or SSL certificates. You may choose different domain registrar and different hosting provider as per your choice later you can link domain with the hosting using DNS 1/2 (Domain Name Server) addresses. You should always opt SSL certificates for the added security of your domain.

Precautions When Choosing a Domain Registrar

While there are many reputable domain registrars out there, it’s essential to take precautions to avoid potential pitfalls.

1. Beware of Scams

Be cautious of domain registrars that make unsolicited offers or pressure you into buying quickly. Scammers exist, and it’s best to deal with reputed companies.

2. Domain Ownership

Ensure that you have full ownership of your domain name. Some registrars may retain control over the domain, which can lead to issues if you want to transfer it later.

3. Renewal Policies

Understand the registrar’s domain renewal policies. Some registrars might make it challenging to transfer or renew your domain. Sometime they charge more on renewal.

4. Security Measures

Prioritize domain registrars that offer robust security measures to protect your domain from unauthorized access or hacking attempts.

List Of Popular Domain Registrars

You can find below the popular Domain registrars, choosing the domain registrar depends solely on your discretion. You can check online all the details regarding the authenticity of domain registrar, domain name prices, and services offered by them. Their offering may change over time so do your proper research before proceeding to buying domain name.

1. GoDaddy

GoDaddy domain registrar is known for its extensive domain offerings and user-friendly interface.

2. Namecheap

Namecheap domain registrar offers affordable domain registration and a range of hosting services.

3. SquareSpace Domains

SquareSpace domains registration service known for its simplicity. Earlier it was Google Domains.

4. Bluehost

Bluehost domain registrar is a web hosting company that also provides domain registration services.

5. HostGator

HostGator domain registrar offers domain registration along with web hosting solutions.

6. Name[dot]com

Name[dot]com domain registrar known for its domain management tools and competitive pricing.

7. Hover

Hover domain registrar focuses on domain registration and management with a clean and straightforward interface.

8. 1&1 IONOS

1&1 IONOS domain registrar provides domain registration, hosting, and website building services.

9. Network Solutions

Network Solutions domain registrar offers a wide range of web services, including domain registration.

10. Enom

Enom domain registrar is known for providing domain reseller services and domain management tools.

11. Register[dot]com

Register[dot]com domain registrar offers domain registration and web services for businesses.

12. Domain[dot]com

Domain[dot]com domain registrar provides domain registration along with web hosting and website building options.

13. NameSilo

NameSilo domain registrar is known for its transparent pricing and no hidden fees.

14. Gandi

Gandi domain registrar is a French registrar known for its commitment to internet privacy and security.

15. Porkbun

Porkbun domain registrar offers affordable domain registration with a user-friendly interface.

16. EuroDNS

EuroDNS domain registrar is an European registrar providing domain services globally.

17. 1API GmbH

1API GmbH domain registrar specializes in domain reselling services.

18. United Domains

United Domains registrar offers domain registration and management for businesses.

19. DreamHost

DreamHost domain registrar is known for its hosting services but also provides domain registration.

20. FastDomain

FastDomain domain registrar offers domain registration and hosting solutions.

21. BigRock

Bigrock domain registrar is India based domain registrar famous for its quick services.

Registering Your Domain Name

Once you’ve selected your domain name and registrar, it’s time to register it. You can follow these generic steps applicable for all domain registrars for registration of your domain name.

1. Visit the registrar’s website.

2. Use their domain search tool to check if your desired domain name is available.

3. If available then add it to your cart and proceed to checkout.

4. Provide your contact information and payment details.

5. Once payment is done then you can review your purchase order, now process of domain purchase is completed.


Choosing the right domain name and registrar is a crucial step in establishing your online presence. By following expert tips and taking necessary precautions, you can secure a domain that represents your brand or content effectively. Remember that your domain name is an investment in your online identity, so make your choices wisely. With the right domain name and registrar, you’re on your way to creating a memorable and successful online presence.

Image credit- Unsplash

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5 Tips to Create a Success Driven Small Business Domain Name Strategy Tue, 23 Jun 2020 18:31:24 +0000 5 Tips to Create a Success Driven Small Business Domain Name Strategy
5 Tips to Create a Success Driven Small Business Domain Name Strategy

Domain Name strategy-You have small business ideas and you need strong digital strategies to overcome the competition. Nowadays, your business either has an online presence or its falling behind the competition. Having a digital strategy means the difference between long-term success and a quick nosedive into failure in the modern business world, which is why building a strong online presence should be at the top of your list of priorities. What’s more, your digital strategy should be broken down into various sections, categories, and different projects, the most important of which is choosing and building a strong domain name for your business. Having a strong domain name will build website authority, brand trust, and recognition, and it will drive your marketing, sales, and PR strategies forward.

To achieve all of this, you have to have a clear plan in place and know the key elements of a winning domain name while staying clear of the common pitfalls and mistakes that business leaders make when creating their domain name strategy. Let’s take a look at the five crucial tips that will help you build the best domain name for your brand and its online presence.

1. The different types of domain names

Many marketers and business leaders will struggle with the problem of devising the right domain name for their company, often being unsure how to approach the problem of domain name creation. This is because there are benefits and drawbacks to different domain name types, and because there are certain considerations you have to take into account in order to ensure domain stickiness, authority, recognition, as well as its value to the search engines. After all, your goal should be to make your domain as relevant to the online audience as possible.

To start, you have to know the different types. You can narrow domain names down to branded domains and industry-specific domains. The former are the domains that bear your brand name, and the latter are the domains that closely portray what you do. You can easily weave a relevant keyword into the latter, but a branded domain will make your company more recognizable and memorable in the online world. All things considered, the best option is to brand your domain, and try to integrate a relevant keyword if it sounds natural and doesn’t affect domain name stickiness in a negative way.

5 Tips to Create a Success Driven Small Business Domain Name Strategy
5 Tips to Create a Success Driven Small Business Domain Name Strategy

2. Emphasize domain name security

A big part of your strategy is finding a domain name provider, also known as a registrar, that emphasizes the security of their domains. Now that cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in the digital world, it’s no longer enough to have a strong firewall or to use a VPN to ensure the security of your network and data stores – you also need to elevate the security of your domain name.

You can achieve this by choosing a reputable registrar, but also by leveraging some advanced security features. Be sure to enable two-factor authentication for your domain name account, enable WHOIS protection, and use a strong password management tool to create randomized security codes and update them regularly.

3. Choosing the right top-level domain

The next important consideration is the domain name extension, or the TLD. It should go without saying that you have to have a top-level domain in order to improve domain name authority in the eyes of the search engines and your online audience. That said, standard TLDs like .com or .net are typically preferred or you can choose a lower-tier extension for your domain.

4. Making your domain catchy and memorable

It should go without saying that your domain name needs to be catchy and memorable so that you can gain exposure and attract traffic from branded searches – which will help you boost your SEO efforts in the long run. Aside from choosing a memorable domain extension, you also need to make your domain short and punchy, something that is easy to spell out.

Modern brands will often make the mistake of intentionally misspelling their brand names to make them more appealing to the online audience, but that has the potential to confuse their customers. Be sure to stick with grammatically-correct branded domain names, and if you’re misspelling it on purpose, then make sure that it reads well.

5. Domain name features to avoid

Last but not least, there are several common mistakes when creating a domain name strategy that you have to avoid at all costs. Be sure to avoid putting numbers and special characters into the domain name if you want people to find your site easily. These include hyphens and underscores and every other special character out there.  What’s more, don’t choose domain names that sound similar to other popular domains to avoid driving traffic to other sites. These mistakes can negatively impact your SEO score and reputation, so be sure to stay away from them if you want to build a strong and authoritative digital presence.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right domain name might not be the only key element of a winning online strategy, but it is definitely one of its foundational pillars. Be sure to use these tips to create a success-driven domain name strategy that will skyrocket your online presence.

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